Lipomodelling of the Mons Pubis
The Mons Pubis is the fatty tissue located over the pubic bone.

When there is localized adiposity, a Mini Ambulatory Lipid Extraction (MELA) can be performed to improve volume and restore body contour.
It is performed under infiltration of tumescent local anesthesia.
This is a modern non-surgical technique carried out through small incisions in the skin.
The fat is then aspirated and extracted. This fat can be used for lipotransfer, such as for filling the labia majora, enhancing the G-spot, among others, or it can be discarded.
Once the aspiration stage is completed, a laser endolifting is performed using the LUMIIA 1940 NM FIBER, emitting thermal energy. This achieves skin retraction with subsequent collagenogenesis in the area where the fat was extracted, preventing residual sagging.
The procedure can be performed in the office, under local anesthesia, without the need for devices or sutures.
It does not leave residual flaccidity.
Normal activities can be resumed on the same day.