Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
Mild stress incontinence is the most common cause of urine loss in women. This leakage typically occurs during physical exercise, coughing, laughing, or sneezing.

This is due to the weakening of the tissues that provide support to the urethra, resulting in collagen and elastin loss. When there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to the hypermobility of the urethra with its weakened support floor, urine leakage occurs.
Who benefits from laser treatment?
Women with mild stress urinary incontinence, especially due to tissue atrophy, particularly in menopausal women.
It is also beneficial for patients undergoing urogynecological surgery to regenerate tissues and better prepare them for surgery.
Lastly, for patients who have already undergone surgery, with or without the placement of meshes or slings, increasing the success of the previous procedure.
How does it work?
The laser beam acts on the vaginal wall, generating a tolerable increase in temperature. This stimulates remodeling and the production of new collagen.
By restoring the support provided by collagen fibers to the urethra, it is held in such a way that when intra-abdominal pressure increases, such as during a sneeze, urine leakage does not occur.
- Outpatient procedure performed in the office.
- Non-invasive.
- Painless.
- No prior preparation required.
- No risks or complications.
- Four sessions are performed, one every 30 days. Then, to maintain the obtained results, a single session is performed every 6 months as maintenance.
Immediate return to routine activities.
Sexual abstinence for 72 hours.