It is the involuntary spasm of the vaginal muscles.

These spasms or contractions make the vagina very tight, making sexual intercourse or gynecological examination difficult or even impossible due to PAIN.
Depending on the timing of its onset, vaginismus can be classified as:
Primary vaginismus: The woman has never been able to engage in sexual intercourse. It is often diagnosed in young, virgin women and is more associated with emotional issues.
Secondary vaginismus: The woman has had previous sexual intercourse with penetration before the onset of vaginismus. The causes are more associated with traumatic situations, leading to acquired dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse).
Any attempt to insert something into the vagina triggers involuntary muscle contraction causing pain. Frustration arises during these moments.
After cleaning the area of the muscles to be treated, an anesthetic cream is applied. Botulinum Toxin is injected, achieving muscular paralysis of the vaginal wall. In other words, selective relaxation is achieved, allowing for penetration. Even if the signal is triggered, the muscles do not respond, and there is no hardening and vaginal tightness due to contraction.
After the treatment, scheduled guidelines are provided to reach penetration and, consequently, enjoyable sexual intercourse. Once this is achieved, and the patient lives her life freely, the brain mechanism that triggered the muscle contraction is broken, and by the time the effect of Botulinum Toxin wears off, the patient rarely needs a second application.
It is a simple, outpatient procedure. It is the same technique used for facial muscles in aesthetics, with extensive experience in the management of the medication used.